Posted By Marti's Shadow @ 11:13 on Friday
Comments... 1

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There once was an American Indian whose given name was "Onestone". So named because he had only one testicle. He hated that name and asked everyone not to call him Onestone.
Okay, so I'm going to try and not bore everyone or make everyone of my blogs about the wedding, but I'm going to vent for a moment. This whole wedding thing is stressing me out! And I haven' t even started the hard stuff ... well thats what I've been told. Here is what I have accomplished: 1. I have my wedding dress 2. I have the maid of honor's dress 3. I have everyone except two people chosen for the wedding party 4. I have the location picked out 5. The colors are picked 6. Flowers are picked 7. Honeymoon location is chosen 8. Babysitter for sandra is taken care of 9. The reception location is picked 10. The food is picked 11.Wedding cake is picked 12. Who is making the wedding cake and the grooms cake is done I have all that accomplished and the wedding is in 227 days or 7 months and 16 days, however you want to look at it. Whos counting though right? lol But its so stressful, who's gonna do this who's gonna do that, what color is this, and what color is that.....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! What songs, when they are played, inside or outside, who's gonna marry you, are the guest throwing bird seed or what? When are you doing pictures, what time, are you leaving that evening or the next morning for your honeymoon...OMG!!! I knew that there was a lot to think about and a lot to do, but I'm ready to explode. On top of all this, I'm going to school and trying to focus on it. On a good note, I get to go get my ring in a couple of days. Well I get to pick it out, then I have to wait for it to get here. I'm looking forward to that. Sorry for all the wedding stuff, I'll try and talk about other things......its not looking promising though lol!
Miss Me?
I know, It's been 3 months since my last post. But I haven't really had the chance to post. Hopefully I'll get to start writing again. Let's see what all has happened in the last 3 months....a lot actually. I am working at a company called Volunteer Behavorial Health Care Systems....long I know. I deal with clients account. Making sure they pay their rent, or giving them spending money, things like that. I really enjoy what I do, I love all the people I work with. Hopefully in about two weeks I will be hired on for good. I have my own desk and computer now, that just happened last week. I am very excited and thankful that I have found this job. Second thing...I am going back to school. I have classes every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. I'm taking two classes, Math and English. I am planning on majoring in Radiology. Same as Lu, so hopefully she'll save all of her notes and things for me : ) Third thing, and probably the most exciting for me....if you've read mom's blog, you all know I am getting Married!! Steven purposed to me on Christmas, at my parents house. It was rally sweet. I didn't expect it, he had me convinced hat he was NOT going to ask me. He made it seem like he wasn't ready and he hated it when people talked about it because it made him uncomfortabel......but obviously it doesn't. I did make him feel bad when he found out that I went and cried when I thought he wasn't going to do it lol. We haven't gotten my ring yet, Steven was convinced and would not let me talk him out of it...but he wants to wait until we get income tax back so that I get exactly what I want. We have set the date for September 16, 2006. 8 months from now....I am so excited. Mom and Dad told us that if we can get our wedding and honeymoon under a reasonable amount they would pay for both. So I'm working hard on doing that. I already have my is SOOOO Pretty. I am planning on using all different colors of browns. Chocolate, late', ivory, champagne however you spell that. Its going to be georgous. With my mom, aunt and mamaw it will be the best wedding ever lol. We are planning on going to Disney World and staying on a Villa in Kissimmee for a week. I am so excited. I think I've said that three times now...sorry. That's pretty much all that has happened...I told you it was a lot lol. Well, I need to actually do some work. OH! Wish me luck, I have to go to court tomorrow for a speeding ticket...and I have no insurance! Fun fun...
The News!
Okay, so no big surprise to me, I am NOT pregnant. I went to the doctor yesterday as you all know, and her exact words were "your pregnancy test was as negative as negative can be." So you all can stop worrying. My poor little mommy, she called me before I even got to the doctor and told me to call her as soon as I got out, then she called me in the middle of the appointment. I love her to death, but I could have killed her, she didn't believe me when I told her I wasn't. I think I would know if there was a little one in my belly. Anyway, that was good new I guess, but yesterday wasn't the best news. I really don't feel like talking or blogging about maybe another time I will feel like writing some more. I just wanted to inform everyone of what was going on, since I said I would.
Tomorrow...the non-big day
Everyone at work, and then my mom and some other people are all excited about tomorrow because they find out whether or not I am pregnant, but I'm not so its not that big of a deal that tomorrow I go to the doctor and hear her say, no Heather you are not. I won't be at work tomorrow obviously, so you guys who do not believe me will not find out what the doctor said until Friday. Friday is my last day here at work, but hopefully I'm gonna be getting this job at a Doctor's office. The lady that works with Steven is trying to get me on there. So I'm praying that all that will work out. I don't really feel like telling the whole story, but...lastnight steven went to his ex fiance's sister's house with Shannon (the ex finace) and Kristin (the sister). Shannon left at some point and Steven stayed there talking to Kristen from 8 until 12......he got home and i was FURIOUS! he came upstairs and talked to me and said that they had been talking about me the whole time and Kristin made me him realize so many things. The most important thing is that he is lucky to have me and that he loves me more then he ever realized. I wasnt happy that he was with her, and that they were talking about me and I have no clue who this girl is other then the sister of the girl that broke his heart. Shannon cheated on him and left him, and he never got over her really, and he said that he didn't even think he needed closure but seeing her again last night made him realize he did and that he move on. He told me he loved me more then anything and he was so happy to be with me....its a long story and I don't wanna talk about it, but I think it was a breaking point for Steven and I and we are going to be okay, and I think that our relationship is going to get so much better from here on out. I love him so much! Until Friday!
I'm sure you guys read the comments that people put on my blog, if you havent, read my last post and then the comments my lovely mother and aunt put on there. But I am going to post now on how I feel about this whole situation... For those of you who know me, you know that I have, that stands for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome here is what it is .... What is PCOS? PCOS is a health problem that can affect a woman’s menstrual cycle, fertility, hormones, insulin production, heart, blood vessels, and appearance. Women with PCOS have these characteristics: high levels of male hormones, also called androgens an irregular or no menstrual cycle may or may not have many small cysts in their ovaries. Cysts are fluid-filled sacs. PCOS is the most common hormonal reproductive problem in women of childbearing age. How many women have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)? An estimated five to 10 percent of women of childbearing age have PCOS. What causes Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)? No one knows the exact cause of PCOS. Women with PCOS frequently have a mother or sister with PCOS. But there is not yet enough evidence to say there is a genetic link to this disorder. Many women with PCOS have a weight problem. So researchers are looking at the relationship between PCOS and the body’s ability to make insulin. Insulin is a hormone that regulates the change of sugar, starches, and other food into energy for the body’s use or for storage. Since some women with PCOS make too much insulin, it’s possible that the ovaries react by making too many male hormones, called androgens. This can lead to acne, excessive hair growth, weight gain, and ovulation problems. What are the symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)? These are some of the symptoms of PCOS: infrequent menstrual periods, no menstrual periods, and/or irregular bleeding infertility or inability to get pregnant because of not ovulating increased growth of hair on the face, chest, stomach, back, thumbs, or toes acne, oily skin, or dandruff pelvic pain weight gain or obesity, usually carrying extra weight around the waist type 2 diabetes high cholesterol high blood pressure male-pattern baldness or thinning hair patches of thickened and dark brown or black skin on the neck, arms, breasts, or thighs skin tags, or tiny excess flaps of skin in the armpits or neck area sleep apnea―excessive snoring and breathing stops at times while asleep Now, for those of you who are giving me a hard time about being pregnant.....if Iwere pregnant I would be more excited than ever. I would not be disappointed at ALL! I would be happy and feel very blessed. I know that God is taking care of me and whatever he has for in the future it what will happen. So I hope I am pregnant. I want kids more than anything in the world and I have been terrified every since I found out that I had PCOS that I wouldn't be able to have children. If were to find out that I am pregnant on Thursday I will def. let everyone know the outcome, but if I am, unless you plan on wishing me congrats. Don't bother commenting! Have a GREAT day!
I Hate going to the Doctor!!!
So Thursday is not going to be the best day! I can not stand, hate with a passion, would rather be sick fortwo weeks straight then to go to the yucky, nasty, icky, OBGYN. But oh well we have to do it. So Thursday I am going at 2:15 to see Donna somethin or another. I usually go to Betsy Dickenson, but she's booked all the way up until Jan. and I really need to go now, just because, and so I decided to go to another person instead of waiting. One of the biggest reasons I am going is so that I can get the doctor to sign in blood and prove to my mother that I am not pregnant. We're all grown up here and most of you people tell each other when you use the bathroom and what color it was, so obviously we aren't keeping secrets in the blog world. So with that said, unless I am having another Jesus there is no way I could be pregnant. Steven and I have not had sex since May. I've had my period once sense then, and I undertand that sometimes you will have a period during pregnancy but I've taken two test and both of them were negative. My mom is CONVINCED that I am. She told me she took two test in her life both said no, but both times 9 months later she had a baby. If I was pregnant I would be 5 months in 2 days, and I would be showing, but ummmm IM NOT! I do know that I am a big girl and I might not look like every other little cute pregnant woman, but I would show a little. Although I have been having ALL of the symptoms...Like I get sick everyday, I have to use the bathroom a lot more then I use to, my sense of smell has like increased 100% I've been moody, I cry a lot ummm what else. I have weird cravings like peas and cheese...but there's just no way. I think the reason I'm having all these symptoms is because people have gotten it in my head. But on Thursday I will call my mom and def. confirm with her that I am NOT pg. Bad News: Today, Robin (the girl I've been filling in for) came back. I had to ask her how long she would need me, and she said not very long, but she would give me a definite answer of when and what day I would be leaving tomorrow. I'm really bummed because like I've said, I was really hoping that they would keep me here. But oh well, I knew coming into this job that I wouldn't be staying. Well hope everyone had a great weekend!
I hate going to the Doctor!!!
~About Me~ About Me
I am 20 years old. I live with the love of my life, Steven and his Daughter. I was just recently engaged on Christmas, and am looking forward to getting married on September 16,2006. ~Blogroll~ ~Previous~ ~Archives~ July 2005September 2005October 2005January 2006February 2006 ~LinkS~ |