Posted By Marti's Shadow @ 08:39 on Tuesday
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Miss Me?
I know, It's been 3 months since my last post. But I haven't really had the chance to post. Hopefully I'll get to start writing again. Let's see what all has happened in the last 3 months....a lot actually. I am working at a company called Volunteer Behavorial Health Care Systems....long I know. I deal with clients account. Making sure they pay their rent, or giving them spending money, things like that. I really enjoy what I do, I love all the people I work with. Hopefully in about two weeks I will be hired on for good. I have my own desk and computer now, that just happened last week. I am very excited and thankful that I have found this job. Second thing...I am going back to school. I have classes every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. I'm taking two classes, Math and English. I am planning on majoring in Radiology. Same as Lu, so hopefully she'll save all of her notes and things for me : ) Third thing, and probably the most exciting for me....if you've read mom's blog, you all know I am getting Married!! Steven purposed to me on Christmas, at my parents house. It was rally sweet. I didn't expect it, he had me convinced hat he was NOT going to ask me. He made it seem like he wasn't ready and he hated it when people talked about it because it made him uncomfortabel......but obviously it doesn't. I did make him feel bad when he found out that I went and cried when I thought he wasn't going to do it lol. We haven't gotten my ring yet, Steven was convinced and would not let me talk him out of it...but he wants to wait until we get income tax back so that I get exactly what I want. We have set the date for September 16, 2006. 8 months from now....I am so excited. Mom and Dad told us that if we can get our wedding and honeymoon under a reasonable amount they would pay for both. So I'm working hard on doing that. I already have my is SOOOO Pretty. I am planning on using all different colors of browns. Chocolate, late', ivory, champagne however you spell that. Its going to be georgous. With my mom, aunt and mamaw it will be the best wedding ever lol. We are planning on going to Disney World and staying on a Villa in Kissimmee for a week. I am so excited. I think I've said that three times now...sorry. That's pretty much all that has happened...I told you it was a lot lol. Well, I need to actually do some work. OH! Wish me luck, I have to go to court tomorrow for a speeding ticket...and I have no insurance! Fun fun... |
~About Me~ About Me
I am 20 years old. I live with the love of my life, Steven and his Daughter. I was just recently engaged on Christmas, and am looking forward to getting married on September 16,2006. ~Blogroll~ ~Previous~ ~Archives~ July 2005September 2005October 2005January 2006February 2006 ~LinkS~ |
WHAT?!??! YOU ARE GETTING i didn't know, I mean you never talk about it...nope you haven't said one word to wait til your mom finds out...
har har
ok we need an update.....
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