Posted By Marti's Shadow @ 12:10 on Friday
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Drama Time!
So as you know if you've read my mom's blog, my best friend, Lauren and I ALWAYS have drama going. Whether it be between her and Carlos, me and Steven or between me and her. This time around its between me and her..and her and Carlos. See, Lauren is always giving me a hard time because since I've been with Steven I haven't exactly been spending the same amount of time with her, that I did before I met the love of my life. We were together EVERYDAY, no Im not exaggeration (ummm spell check) we were literally together everyday. Now, we see each other MAYBE once every two weeks. We talk all the time, but we never see each other, and I know that it probably makes me a bad friend, but she's the same way. She is always with Carlos, and if she wants me to do something with her it not just me and her, its the three of us. She gets mad at me because I don't want to leave Steven, but yet she won't leave Carlos. Anywho, for the past three years her parents have went to Key West for a vacation, and everytime that they have gone, I have stayed at her house with her. So being the friend that I am, I wasn't going to break a tradition, so I agreed to stay with her lastnight and tonight. Little did I know, Carlos would also be staying there with her....(sarcasm being in the little did I know...) So anyway, I stayed there and we didn't get home until 11:30, Which I wasn't too upset about that, I mean I usually don't go to bed until then at home anyway, but I've usually eaten by then. When we got to her house she cooked dinner. After we ate Lauren and Carlos got into an argument. I'm not sure why they got into one, or what was said to make Carlos mad, all I know is he was FURIOUS! He called her fat, which Lauren is a big girl, but come on, you don't call her fat. He was yelling and she was yelling, and half of it was in English and the other half in Spanish and when I stuck my head in there both of they're hands were flying with motions. It was actually entertaining. Anyway, Lauren went to hit Carlos and he grabbed her arms so that she couldn't which I don't blame him, if Lauren or anyone was going to hit me I think I would do whatever I could to prevent it from happening. Lauren bruises really easily so she was red, and today you would think that he beat her with a baseball bat. After it happened she started screaming and crying and saying that he hurt her, and Carlos started walking towards the living room "where I was" so I had to run back and sit down in my chair. He came up to me and said "Heather, talk to Lauren please, please talk to her," althought it didn't exactly sound like that was what he was saying, but now that I've been around him a lot I've gotten to where I can understand Spinglish. (I figure if Spanglish is where you talk both English and Spanish then Spinglish can be where you try to speak English but you aren't very good at saying the words correctly....get it?) I will clue you in on some of his words later in the post. I acted like I knew nothing and saw nothing, so I walked into Lauren's room where all of this was going down. Lauren was still sitting in the floor acting as if she couldn't breathe....the conversation went kinda like this: Me: Lauren, what is it? (not scared or worried because I knew she was fine can imagine my tone of voice) Lauren: I.....caaaaann'....t bbbbreeatheeee Me: Lauren you're fine get up out of the floor Lauren: nnno realllyyyy iiii caaaannn't bbbbrreeatttthhhhhhe Me: Carlos, what happened? Carlos: I did nothing Me: I understand that, but how did she end up in the floor and why can she not breeatthhhee? Carlos (laughing) She try hit me, I aggara her manos and dicie no (translation: She tried to hit me, I grabbed her hands and said no) Me: Seriously you guys stop fighting, Lauren get up Carlos stop yelling and Lauren stop acting like a baby Lauren: I'm not, when I fell of the bed it knocked the breath out of me Carlos: K? (which means what in english) I walked back into the living room and continued watching The Real I hear Lauren screaming Carlos!!! i cook for you, I clean for you, I buy you clothes, I send your mom and daughters money in Hondorus (sp check...she didnt scream spell check either lol) I left Matthew for you, I do everything for you and you call me gorda?!?!!? (gorda in spanish means fat) You te amo for me??? if you te amo for me prorque tu hable con me gorda? That's bullsh*t baby! (translation....if I translated what Lauren screamd in Spanglish it would say: If you to love for me why you talk with me fat...she meant to say, If you love me then why did you call me fat, but Carlos knew what she meant, and she thinks she's saying everything correctly...thats why it entertains me) They fought some more, and then Carlos got all of his stuff together and walked outside and told her that he was leaving and they were no mas (meaning he broke up with her). Well Lauren did her, I'm sorry I lov you baby, please don't love me spill and as she was doing that I went and crawled into her parnets bed and went to sleep. By this time it was 2 in the morning so I didn't care if they made up or not. When I woke up they were fine they were asleep in the bed. The Drama between me and Lauren?? Well, pretty much after she yelled and fussed at me for not spending all the time with her like I use to and I finally agreed to stay with her for these two nights, she tells me today that I can stay at home tonight because she's going to her uncles house to stay tonight. Steven already made plans because he didn't think I was going to be there, so I will be at home by myself. Although the more I think about it, the nicer it sounds. Go home take a bath watch a movie, relax....with no Sandra pitching a fit, and no Steven. Sounds good to me for just one night, I would get lonely and miss them if they were gone for more then that. Now for the Spinglish His Word English Word 1. Garfield Garbage 2. Chiz Cheese 3. S-one sissty F-150 (the truck) 4. Pishen Pigoen (which he calls every bird that he sees) 5. sekaseke Steak N Shake 6. I Honey Hungry These are just some of the really funny ones to hear him say. But he's really sweet and nice, and he is trying! Hope everyone has a GREAT weekend!! Wish Holly good luck for her competition tomorrow!! OH! Lauren just called me before I posted this and said "Heather, I'm not going to my uncles I was only playing, you're staying with me ya know..but thats Lauren so it doesn't surprise me. ~That'll do Pig, that'll do~ |
~About Me~ About Me
I am 20 years old. I live with the love of my life, Steven and his Daughter. I was just recently engaged on Christmas, and am looking forward to getting married on September 16,2006. ~Blogroll~ ~Previous~ ~Archives~ July 2005September 2005October 2005January 2006February 2006 ~LinkS~ |
my god what i would give to be a fly on the wall...that whole spanglish thing is hilarious!!
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