Posted By Marti's Shadow @ 10:59 on Wednesday
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Poor Little Kitty, and Stupid Me!!!
Well, today hasn't been the best day and its only 2 p.m Holly stayed the night with me lastnight, so we didn't go to bed until 4 a.m This morning at 9:00 Sandra came into my room and said, "Heather, daddy needs you to come there!" So I crawl out of bed and walk downstairs to see what he needed. He's laying on the couch holding our kitten and he looks at me and says, "I'm getting worried." I looked at him and noticed that Lex was shaking really bad. About a week ago I discovered that we a dreaded case of Fleas. I HATE fleas, they make you itch. So I've been trying to get rid of the little itchy insects for a week now. Its a little harder then just any case of fleas because we have three animals. Molly, who is a little bitty dog. I rescued her, she had been dropped off and abandoned and was starving to death, and I brought her home. I'm not what kind of dog she is, but she looks like a Chihuahua and Jack Russell mix. Shes sooo cute. Then theres Tinkers. I got him two years ago for my birthday. He's not a "people cat." He pretty much lays around daring anyone to touch him. He comes to you when he wants to be touched. He's bigger than Molly, but Tinkers is a big cat. He's not normal ....but hes my buddy. Then theres Lex...formally known as Lexy. I just found out today that shes a he....don't ask, I know I shouldnt admit that. But what can I say we arent pet experts here. Anyway, after I put the flea medicine on them lastnight, I took a shower then went to bed. When I got out of the shower, Molly and Lex were playing like normal and Tinkers was laying there watching them. So I thought they were all fine. But this morning, Lex wasn't fine. I looked at the package that the medicine came in and realized I had grabbed the wrong one, and I had bought the medicine that is for animals 10 lbs or more. Lex is only 3 lbs 15 oz. Thanks to the doctor I found that out today. So I ran upstairs and did what the package says to do if the animal is having muscle tremors. I washed him off and tried to rub him. While I was doing that, Steven was calling the Vet. The nurse told us to bring him in immediatley. We get there, and the doctor was waiting for us and took Lex to the back. He had the nurse give him another bath and use their special soap. He then came in and talked with Steven and I. He told us that had we not brought him in, he wouldn't have made it through the rest of the day. They injected fluids between his shoulder blades, under the skin. They said they wanted him to stay there and make sure everything was okay. So as of right now I'm not sure how his doing. Now I know its just a cat, and people probably think I am crazy and pathetic for crying over it, but he's my buddy. Molly suggles with Steven and follows him everywhere he goes. Tinkers doesn't snuggle with anyone, he could care less. And then Lex, is with me ALL the time. Everywhere I go, hes right behind me. So hopefully my little snuggle bug will be joining me again tonight. Steven is suppose to pick him up on the way home. If anyone cares, I'll let ya know how my little Lex turns out. |
~About Me~ About Me
I am 20 years old. I live with the love of my life, Steven and his Daughter. I was just recently engaged on Christmas, and am looking forward to getting married on September 16,2006. ~Blogroll~ ~Previous~ ~Archives~ July 2005September 2005October 2005January 2006February 2006 ~LinkS~ |
poor kitty...let me know how he is doing.
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