Posted By Marti's Shadow @ 11:58 on Friday
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I am beginning to love Fridays more and more now that I am working monday-Friday. Today so far has been a long day. Its 2:55 and I'm tired and still have two hours to go. Which it may not seem like such a long time to most, but when you're like me and your job is to sit at a desk and only answer the phone and hit a couple of buttons to transfer the get a little bored at times. Anyway, I am tired because my boyfriend, God love him......decided to think of himself and only himself lastnight. Now that Sandra is staying at at joyces after she gets out of school, Joyce gives her a bath, feeds her dinner, and all I have to do when I get her home is put her in the bed. Now 7:00 may seem a little early, but for those of you who have kids, I realized that 7:00 isn't early enough for a 4 year old that has to get up at 6:30 in the mornings. Poor little thing, I love her to death, but her attitude change and grumpiness is driving me crazy...that will be another post....or maybe this one will just be really long..who knows guess you'll just wait and see or shall I say read? Anywho, I got her home and she went to bed around 7:30. Well, Steven had to work late, so at 8:15 he called me and told me he was on his way home. I waited and waited and waited and at 9 I called him. He said that he had forgotten he had to go meet this guy to get his STUPID STUPID STUPID paperview wrestling tape. Did I mention that I thought it was stupid?? I hate wrestling, obviously. So I told him, as nicely as I possibly could at the moment that I was having to wait on him before I could start doing the laundry. The reason being I don't have a washer and dryer so I have to take the clothes over to the little laundry mat at the apartments (anyone needing to get rid of a washer and dryer thats in decent condition I am taking donations lol) and since Sandra was already in the bed I couldn't leave the house. So at 10 Steven FINALLY got home. When he got there he had donuts ...he had stopped on the way home. He thought it would get him out of the doghouse, but it just put him in there longer, because when I found out that he was getting donuts instead of getting home...I was mad. Anyway, I finally got through with the laundry and into the bed at 1 in the morning, only to wake up at 5:45. So 4 hours and 45 mins and I do not make for a good day. The whole thing with Sandra....since she started school she has started CRYING and WHINING over EVERYTHING! Im serious, she will cry if who stinking poop isnt dark brown. And not only does she cry and scream when you tell her to do something, she has started throwing things at you and flat out telling you no. The newest thing is once you tell her no, it use to be she would just scream and cry, now she says please 10,000 times. "Please don't make me" "Please can I have a bowl of ice cream even though I haven't eaten dinner" "please, please , please, please"....OHHHHHHHH!!! It makes me mad. I don't know what else to do either, I've spanked, put her in the corner, made her go to bed at right when she got home (this was when I got home early), I've taken a toy away, not let her eat something sweet she name it I've probably tried I am open for ANY suggestions. Mom tried to help me a little but Sandra is just falt out stubborn just like me and she's trying to do what she wants to do, and Heather is NOT going to put up with it. The good thing about this is ...the ONLY good thing, is Steven is backing me up 100%. What I say, he's there standing behind me and supporting me, and vice versa. We just haven't found a method that actually works. So please...Help! Anywho, I'm gonna go and play some games or something lol. I won't be able to blog over the weekend so I'll hear from you all on the dreaded monday! |
~About Me~ About Me
I am 20 years old. I live with the love of my life, Steven and his Daughter. I was just recently engaged on Christmas, and am looking forward to getting married on September 16,2006. ~Blogroll~ ~Previous~ ~Archives~ July 2005September 2005October 2005January 2006February 2006 ~LinkS~ |
Be strong, persisent and keep to your word.
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