Posted By Marti's Shadow @ 13:21 on Monday
Comments... 1

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Men! I am well aware that most of the people that read my blog are either married or have been married before and have a lot of experience then I do when it comes to relationships and "men." If you have been reading my blog then you know who Steven is ...if you haven't he is my boyfriend and we just celebrated our 1 year anniversary on the 15th of this month. This past weekend was the first chance we had to actually go out and do something to celebrate. Sandra was with her mother...(who by the way I can't stand, I dislike her more then anyone else on earth...) So Steven and I arranged for Saturday to be our "date-day". Our plans were to go to a movie, go out to eat then go downtown and ride in a horse and carriage around downtown chattanooga. Well, Steven informed me Saturday at about 4:00 that we had to stop by his friend Laysha's house and look at a dresser that she was giving away and thought we might like to have. I asked him where he planned on putting it and he said in my room.....ummmmm I don't think so. We have two dressers in there now and they take up enough space. I told him that my room was not going to be the storage room for everyone elses stuff. If you don't know Steven refuses to sleep in the same bed as me. I have my own room and he sleeps on the pull out bed downstairs. He says once we get married things can be different obviously, but not until then. So he then suggested that we put it downstairs on the wall that our stairs are on. I DO NOT want a dresser in the living room, I think its tacky and it will again take up to much space, our living room is packed as it is. So I think once he see the dresser and realized that it was the size of a couch (it was as long as a couch anyway) he agreed that we just didn't have room, and we really didn't need it to begin with. Anyway, we left her house then went to Ryan's and then went to the theater to see what time the movie started. I picked the resturant and Steven picked the movie. The movie didn't start until 9:35 and we got there at like 9. As we were sitting Steven fell asleep so instead of watching a movie there, we went and rented one. We got Sahara and a tub of popcorn and headed home. I told Steven I was going to change and for him to let our dog (Molly) out to use the bathroom. When I came back downstairs Molly was about to waddle away for trying to let me know she had to go to the bathroom and Steven was asleep. So obviously we didn't watch the movie. I stayed up and watched Monster-in-law by myself which is a cute movie..and it reminds me of how my mom is going to be whenever Steven and I actually get engaged. Anyway the reason for me calling this post "Men" is because of Sunday. Steven and I got into a really bad argument. Basically....I don't like his ex-wife. And it use to be that Steven couldn't stand her either. It was so bad that he had me do all of the arranging what time we met to drop off Sandra and I would be the one to go and pick her up. But Steven went with me one day and she made some comments on how good Steven looks now, and now all of the sudden he wants to go everytime. He was talking to her on the phone the other day and I got mad because he was telling her about our date that we were suppose to have and then they were talking about our bills and some other things. I was mad because I feel like it is NONE of her business what goes on in our house. She doesn't need to know what Steven and I were going to do, or how behind we are on our bills or anything like that. So I went and picked Sandra up and Steven acted like a 10 year old for the rest of the night until I finally said something to him. He would move over so that he wasn't touching me if I sat beside him or ignore me if I spoke to him. He was just being really childish. I finally asked him how long he was going to act like that and how long he was going to be mad at me. He said until I learned to stop being overly jealous. Yes, I am a very jealous person. I can not stand another woman being interested in my boyfriend. Some women take it as a compliment, I can do that...when its NOT he ex-wife. So Steven and I got into huge argument. He told me that if I didn't stop my "bullcrap" then he was going to leave. Along time ago we got into an argument over the fact that I needed to accept the fact that he gets depressed alot and when he does he wants to be left alone. He told me I needed to accept his faults and that he couldn't help it that was just the way he is. So I told him I was sorry for being jealous and he said that I needed to learn to not be. My response to him was, "I am suppose to accept your faults, but you can't accept mine? And if I don't change the way I handle my jealousy you're going to leave me?" Other things were said, and then he told me I was a immature 19 year old that didn't know what I wanted. I asked him why he was with me and he said at times I wonder. We got through it ......after a lot of yelling and crying. He told me he was sorry for the things he said and that he loved me....but there were some hurtful things said and I'm having a hard time just up and forgiving him for it. Thats why I am NOT to crazy about MEN right now...except for my daddy, I still love hime lol. Well, its time to hit the road, its 5 o' clock! WHOOO_HOOO! |
~About Me~ About Me
I am 20 years old. I live with the love of my life, Steven and his Daughter. I was just recently engaged on Christmas, and am looking forward to getting married on September 16,2006. ~Blogroll~ ~Previous~ ~Archives~ July 2005September 2005October 2005January 2006February 2006 ~LinkS~ |
heather...i have to agree with seshat on this one...
you deserve so much more heather...i know you dont want to hear that...but you are important...and you feelings are is deaf..dumb and makes us settle for things we dont deserve... deserve it...dont settle for anything less...
i love you bubs
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