Posted By Marti's Shadow @ 14:13 on Friday
Comments... 2

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Okay, I know that I've alredy posted today...but who says you can't post more then once? I need help! I've talked to mom about this before but I still am having trouble. Maybe someone can help me. As of right now I don't have a job, and I stay at home with Sandra and usually another little girl during the day. Sandra is an adorable little times. She has her moments. I've said before that she doesn't exactly listen to me very well and she does what I say when she wants to. Now, Steven says its because I'm to hard on her and she doesn't want to do what I say because I'm always telling her to do something, or I'm always getting on to her. But I think its because she's use to getting her way and shes seeing if she can with me....but I'm to much like my wonderful mother to let her do that. Steven says that she shouldn't have to clean her room all the time. But I think she should clean her room everynight before she goes to bed....maybe I shouldn't make her do that, but oh well. If you don't already know, shes 4. I don't look for things to get on to her about, as Steven says. For example...I watched this show on tv. Steven and I both watched it, Super Nanny. Anyone seen it? Anyway, she suggested that you take toys away for bad behavior. So we tried that. If she said no, or wouldn't do something she was asked to do, she got a toy or something taken away. That went on until she literally had 10 toys to play with. After it got to where she would say "I don't want to clean my room, I'm going to bring you a toy to take away" thats when we said okay super nanny its not working. She still hasn't gotten all of her toys back, but she has gotten some. During the day when I have her, I try to do different things, to see what works with her. So far taking away toys, standing in the corner, spaking, not going swimming, and no tv has NOT worked. I'm running out of things to do. Now, my mom asked me this so I'll let you know. Its not little things she gets punished for, its coloring on the walls with her crayons, throwing the cat down the stairs, hitting the other little girl I watch, playing in the cat litter, etc. Things that she should be punished for. We no longer buy sweet food at the store because she gets into it. She'll wake up go into the kitchen and eat anything sweet she can find. She was getting pretty good at it. Putting it in a pocketbook, sneaking it up to her room is pretty smart for a 4 year old. I really don't know what to do. She use to have a tv and vcr in her room, but she doesn't night it was about 11:00 and Sandra had been up in her room crying hollering I'm not tired I don't want to go to bed since 8:30. Thats her bed time, and usually shes in bed everynight at that time. Steven and I were watching tv and we heard her door open and shut. We thought she might have went to the bathroom so neither one of us did anything. The second time I heard it, I walked up stairs checked the bathroom, because one of her bad habbits is not flushing the toliet, so I checked to see if she had gone to the bathroom, she had not. I opened her door, and shes sitting about 3 in. away from the tv with the volume turned down to #4. I called Steven up there, he asked her why she kept opening the door and she said to see if you or Heather were coming. The tv came out of her room the next day. I've ran out of ideas. Today she got mad at me because I made her stop using the toliet for a swimming pool for her dolls. Luckily the toliet had been flushed. Then she was in the kitchen playing with Lex, our kitten. Lex comes walking in the living room and Sandra is still in the kitchen being very quiet. So I walk in there and she is sitting in the floor with 3 sharp knives playing. I screamed SANDRA!! What are you doing???? She replys "Playing like I am cooking." So I had to take the knives away and make her go up to her room. Now, today I told her that if she was good she would get the toys back that I took away for her not cleaning her room. (Mom suggested I take a trash bag put everything in it that was not where it was suppose to go...and that would hopefully get her to clean her worked for a day) So she was good most of the day, did what I asked and was the sweet little Sandra that she can be. So about 3:00 I let her have the toys back. She took them up to her room, then I called her down and asked her if she wanted some pudding. So she ate that...after she got the toys and the pudding thats when she played in the toliet and with the knives. Shes pretty smart.....So PLEASE OH PLEASE help me out here.....any ideas, suggestions, anything would be very helpful! I know mom is probably laughing as she reads this, because she always said that sooner or later it would come back to me and I would be the one with the child disobeying me, and asking her for help like she asked my mamaw.. so stop laughing mom, its NOT funny! Lets go check on the rugrat and see what she's into now. |
~About Me~ About Me
I am 20 years old. I live with the love of my life, Steven and his Daughter. I was just recently engaged on Christmas, and am looking forward to getting married on September 16,2006. ~Blogroll~ ~Previous~ ~Archives~ July 2005September 2005October 2005January 2006February 2006 ~LinkS~ |
here is my advice...get a really big box...(two if you have too..) put all of your stuff in it...load the box in your car...and go home....
did you like that? i didnt think so...
just kidding...(sort of) :D
Hi Heather,
I came across your crys for advise while blog surfing.
My husband has a daughter with another woman - however, she doesn't live with us. My husband and I got together shortly after his child turned 1 and she is now 7.
While my step-daughter has never been that defiant, I must agree with Vickie. Steve must back you up 100% when you discipline her, and you both must have the same parenting style. You must not be looked upon as the one doing all the punishing while he sits back and is daddy wonderful. She will only resent every word you utter and try harder to disobey!!! You must work together and he must support you or everything you're trying to do for her is pointless!!!
Good Luck!!!!!
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